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Location:  Strathfield Golf Club (Note Venue Change)

Tickets: On Sale now – CLICK HERE

PWI – Golf Day

For queries relating to the PWI Golf Day, please contact

Golf day approximate timings.

7am – 7.30am Registration and Breakfast
7.30am – 7.50am Player Briefing
7:50am – 8am Players on the Course
8am – 1.30pm Shotgun Start & Golf
1.30pm – 2.30pm Lunch
2.30pm – 3.30pm Presentation


Strathfield Golf Club information links


Golf Day Sponsorship enables Corporate Sponsor  to raise the profile of their respective companies as well as having a convivial social get together with Rail Industry counterparts.

The PWI objectives in promoting this day are:

  • The goal of this Golf Day is to ensure gender diversity within the teams, fostering an inclusive and balanced representation.
  • Allow railway professionals to network with people they may not have had the chance to meet in a formal business setting.
  • Give clients the chance to meet other clients who can explain more about the relationship you have with them and what service you provide.
  • Ensure that individuals and team prizes are available to all participants.
  • To keep players costs to a minimum (depending on corporate support).
  • To have fun and enjoy competitive, but social golf.
  • Realise who is the best corporate golf company of 2025 (Corporate bragging rights…).

The program for the Golf Day will follow a similar format to previous years:

  • Pre-start Breakfast (Bacon & egg roll / Coffee) during sign on.
  • Shot gun start, 3 ball Ambrose tournament.
  • Drinks cart to be provided for refreshments during play (at no cost to participants).
  • Lunch and the prize presentations

Each player will receive a PWI Starting Pack consisting of (as a minimum).

  • Sponsors promotional handout contributions, subject to availability
  • A PWI Golf promotional item


3 Person Ambrose

When booking players for the Golf day, the below information will be required

  • Team Setup:
    • Each team consists of three players.
    • All three players hit a tee shot on each hole.
  • Selecting the Best Shot:
    • After all players hit their tee shots, the team selects the best shot. This is typically the one that lands in the best position, providing the best angle for the next shot.
    • All three players then hit their second shot from the selected spot.
  • Subsequent Shots:
    • The process continues with the team selecting the best shot after each stroke.
    • All three players continue to hit from the spot of the chosen best shot until the hole is completed.


  • All players are to abide by the RULES OF GOLF and Golfing Etiquette
  • Three Tee Shots minimum from each player are to be used in the round of 18 holes and marked on the score card.
  • The selected ball on the mown surface will be marked and players will place their ball within one club length from the marker, but no nearer the hole.
  • In the rough players will drop the ball from shoulder height and play the ball from where it lies (Drop position is to be no more than one club length from landed position)
  • The Club Professional will choose mystery holes on the front and back nine to determine the individual team handicaps for scoring.



When booking players for the Golf day, the below information will be required at checkout:

  • Player name
  • Player Handicap Grade ( A, B or Ladies) – See below
  • Dietary requirements

Player Handicaps

All scoring on the day will be undertaken using the Callaway scoring method, so your actual golf handicap, if you have one, is not required. All we only need to know is which of the below player grades you fall into for the other hole prizes.

  • Grade A – For experienced players who typically play off less than 22
  • Grade B – Novice or new players, who if they had a handicap would play off more than 22
  • Ladies – For the ladies only

On team holes, if you have a Grade A player in your team, then your team is classed as a Grade A Team.

Golf Carts

Golf Carts can only be booked via the PWI on the booking link. The golf club will not arrange individual golf carts.
Golf carts need to be booked early with a close date of 1st March 2025 , so get in early. They cannot be booked after this date.

Pricing of  golf carts is based on reviewing prices of club owned carts, and hiring in extra golf carts.

It is preferred that a maximum of 3 carts is used on each hole.

Golf Day Sponsorship

Hole sponsorship and team places fill up early every year, so please get your team in early.

PWI Corporate Members have the opportunity to sponsor a hole and nominate a 3 person team (Sponsors may enter more teams at the Golf committee’s discretion). This is an opportunity for you to put together a team with some of your team or clients.

Do not forget depending on your corporate level you do get extra benefits for the Golf Day if you sponsor a holeCorporate membership Benefits
Platinum – 3 free individual entrants
Gold – 2 free individual entrants
Silver – 1 free individual entrant

Make sure you pick the correct golf team option if you are a corporate and also sponsoring a hole, otherwise you will not get the correct discount.

Individual PWI members can either form a team with two other PWI members or can simply enter and be allocated by the PWI Golf Committee to make up a team.


PWI Golf Day sponsorship can be in the following forms:

Hole Sponsorship – $750 (including GST) (plus cost of providing Hole prizes)

Hole sponsorship will highlight your company name for the sponsored hole on all advertising and media streams.
Sponsors can select their chosen holes subject to availability on a first come basis. The suggested Holes, Competitions and prizes are shown below, but the PWI encourage any novelty and fun hole competitions.

Sponsors are required to provide prizes for their Hole (the value of which is the Sponsors choice). Generally; 3 prizes for a team event hole (i.e. drive and chip) and two prizes for individual events such as nearest the pin, longest drive, etc. (i.e. prize for both the A & B grade winners).

General Sponsorship – $750 (including GST)

This type of limited Sponsorship is available for the breakfast or refreshment Golf Cart.

Company promotional handouts for participants.

Company promotional items are encouraged and will be handed out at registration on the day,  this can be anything from golf balls with your company logo, caps, novelties, etc but Sorry no flyers or paper advertising material.


Golf Day Sponsorship Types

The below table shows the holes and suggested hole competition and number of prizes.
If a corporate sponsors a hole then prizes are also required, we have other forms of sponsorship that do not require prizes.

 please contact to discuss your chosen type of sponsorship.

PWI encourage novelty holes for this event, novelty holes in the past have include “hole in one” and “Speed Ambrose”.
Corporate sponsors can change hole competition in consultation with PWI Golf Committee.


Hole sponsorship prizes are required and arranged by the Corporate sponsor, Prizes do not need to be Golf related.

If you wish to contact the Strathfield  pro shop to arrange prizes, Please just use the contact details below to arrange well before the event.

Contact the Proshop on
Website Link
02 9053 1761

Banners for the course

For your chosen hole of sponsorship, you are allowed to add advertising at the hole. This can be in the form of a banner, noting that due to wind  pull-up banners are not to be used.

The best Banner type would be as shown below, but if you have a corflute type sign, then you must also supply post for mounting.

It is the responsibility of the corporate to ensure any advertising banners are received by the golf course by the 24th March, or they will not be placed at the hole.



To attend PWI NSW functions you must be a current financial member or corporate representative or guest. Please refer to the membership page for all memberships including corporate membership.

If you are not currently a member of PWI NSW you can join via our Membership page.  Upon joining you will receive a Login ID and password to register for events.

For any queries please contact


March 28
Event Category:
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Strathfield Golf Club
52 Weeroona Rd
Strathfield, NSW 2135 Australia
+ Google Map
(02) 9642 0326
View Venue Website


View Organizer Website